Valid operators are +, -, *, and /. Each operand may be an integer or another expression.
Note that division between two integers should truncate toward zero.
It is guaranteed that the given RPN expression is always valid. That means the expression would always evaluate to a result, and there will not be any division by zero operation.
tokens[i] is either an operator: "+", "-", "*", or "/", or an integer in the range [-200, 200].
// basic knowledge, stackclassSolution {publicintevalRPN(String[] tokens) {// edge cases// if (tokens.length == 0) return -1;// stack store numberStack<Integer> stack =newStack<Integer>();// walk listfor (int i =0; i <tokens.length; i++) {int res =1;if (tokens[i].equals("+") || tokens[i].equals("-") || tokens[i].equals("*") || tokens[i].equals("/")) {int operand =stack.pop();int number =stack.pop();switch (tokens[i]){case"+": res = number + operand;break;case"-": res = number - operand;break;case"*": res = number * operand;break;case"/": res = number / operand;break; } } else { res =Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]); }stack.push(res); }// return returnstack.pop(); }}// walk list, if number push to stack, else pop 2 numbers from stack -> calculate -> push back to stack// stack1: 4 13 5