
Paper: https://www.allthingsdistributed.com/files/amazon-dynamo-sosp2007.pdf

Dynamo is distributed key-value store, i.e. Distributed Hash Table (DHT) , DynamoDB is AWS database product based on Dynamo.

Why DynamoDB

  • highly available (AP model, whereas Bigtable is CP focus on consistency)

  • highly scalable

  • schema-less

  • why not

    • if requires strong consistency


  • Data distribution: consisten hashing

  • Replication: optimistic, eventual consistency

  • Handling failure: sloppy quorum(hinted handoff)

  • Inter-node communication: goosip protocol

  • Conflict resolution: vector lock

Data model

  • Dynamo is key-value store. Value is a set of attributes.

  • Partition key: input for hash function(MD5) -> partition(physical storage)

  • Partition key + sort key

    • composite primary key

    • items with the same partition key value are stored together, in sorted order by sort key value.

  • Secondary index

    • global

    • local

  • Query pattern

    • Range query is not well supported, unlike Bigtable scan. E.g. select * from A where age > 20

      • Since data is distributed in many nodes, this is basically a full scan or the cluster.

    • Solutions (either way, we may still end up doing full scan)

      • use range key(aka. sort key)

      • create global secondary index (reference)

  • Local persistent storage

    • These (key, value) pairs are stored within that node using various storage systems depending on application needs. A few examples of such storage systems are:

      • BerkeleyDB Transactional Data Store

      • MySQL (for large objects)

      • An in-memory buffer (for best performance) backed by persistent storage

Implementation details

Optimistic replication

Coordinator node stores data first, then asynchronously replicates to next N nodes in the background. Replicas are not guaranteed to be identical at all times.

If a client cannot contact the coordinator node, it sends the request to a node holding a replica.

Add & remove nodes

  • Add nodes, aka. bootstrapping.

    • Define how many VNodes the new machine is responsible

    • Allocation algorithm in the new node pick random VNodes(reprented as tokens).

    • New node requests current replicas of those tokens to stream data.

  • Remove nodes.

    • Send command to remove a node.

    • The old node reassigns tokens to other nodes. Also replicates data to those nodes.

Sloppy quorum

  • Preference list

    • The list of nodes responsible for storing a particular key. E.g. for key "K", preference list is [server 1, 2, 3, 4] where 4 is to store hinted replica.

  • Sloppy quorum ensures "always writable"

    • When a node is unreachable, another node can accept writes on its behalf. The write is then kept in a local buffer and sent out once the destination node is reachable again.

  • Drawbacks: data conflict

Vector clock

  • Clock skew

    • In distributed system, we cannot assume that wall clock time t on node a happened before time t + 1 on node b.

    • Hardware solution: GPS unit, atomic clock.

  • Dynamo returns conflicting versions to client who are responsible to explicitly reconcile the conflict.

  • Alternative way to handle conflict

    • Model data as Conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs). E.g. adding item A, B to shopping cart can be handled anywhere anytime, because the end result is 2 items in the cart anyway.

      • AKA strong eventual consistency

      • Downsides: not easy to model every data as CRDT

    • Last-write-wins (LWW).

      • Downsides

        • using wall clock doesn't guarantee a real last write.

        • can easily lost data, e.g. for 2 concurrent data, 1 of them is thrown away.

Put & Get operation

  • Choosing coordinator node

    • Via load balancer

      • Pros: system loosely coupled, helps scalability

      • Cons: extra hop increase latency, waste of resources

    • Dynamo use client library that maintains server address

      • Pros: zero-hop DHT, low latency

      • Cons: less control of load distribution

  • Quorum

    • Read + Write > N(replicas)

    • A Common (N, R, WN,R,W) configuration used by Dynamo is (3, 2, 2).

      • (3, 3, 1): fast WW, slow RR, not very durable

      • (3, 1, 3): fast RR, slow WW, durable

  • Write(put) process

    • coordinate node generate vector clock

    • saves data in local

    • sends write request to N-1 nodes from preference list

    • returns successful after receiving W-1W−1 confirmation

  • Read(get) process

    • coordinate node request data from N-1 nodes from preference list

    • wait until R-1 replies

    • handle data versions (then update it back to nodes, aka. read repair)

    • returns all relevant data versions(may have conflicts) to the caller

  • State machine

    • Each client request results in creating a state machine on the node. (like request context?)

    • Coordinate node selection

      • Any top N nodes from preference list

      • A usual request patter is read-then-write, so a node replied fastest in previous read operation is chosen to handle write. The info stored in request context. This increases the chances of getting “read-your-writes” consistency.

Anti-entropy Through Merkle Trees

  • Read repair: use vector clock to resolve conflicts. But it's too slow if a replica falls too behind.

  • Merkle trees is used to resolve conflicts in the background.

  • Workflow

    • Data is split into smaller parts. Merkle trees is a binary tree of hashes.

    • Compare 2 tree from root to leaves. If encounter difference, resolve conflicts in this small subtree. Thus data transmission and work load is minimized.

  • Drawbacks: have to recalculate the tree when data changes.

Gossip protocol

  • Peer-to-peer communication

  • Each node periodically exchange info(basically the copy of hash ring) with random nodes.

  • Use seed nodes to bootstrap. More read on Uber's Ringpop.

Inspired by Dynamo: Cassandra and Riak

Criticism on Dynamo

  • Each Dynamo node contains the entire Dynamo routing table. This is likely to affect the scalability.

  • Security concerns, e.g. no ACL.

  • Dynamo’s design can be described as a “leaky abstraction,” where client applications are often asked to manage inconsistency.


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