0585. Investments in 2016
Write a query to print the sum of all total investment values in 2016 (TIV_2016), to a scale of 2 decimal places, for all policy holders who meet the following criteria:
Have the same TIV_2015 value as one or more other policyholders.
Are not located in the same city as any other policyholder (i.e.: the (latitude, longitude) attribute pairs must be unique).
Input Format:
The insurance table is described as follows:
where PID is the policyholder's policy ID, TIV_2015 is the total investment value in 2015, TIV_2016 is the total investment value in 2016, LAT is the latitude of the policy holder's city, and LON is the longitude of the policy holder's city.
Sample Input
Sample Output
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