Given a positive integer n, find the smallest integer which has exactly the same digits existing in the integernand is greater in value thann. If no such positive integer exists, return -1.
Note that the returned integer should fit in 32-bit integer, if there is a valid answer but it does not fit in 32-bit integer, return -1.
Example 1:
**Input:** n = 12
**Output:** 21
Example 2:
**Input:** n = 21
**Output:** -1
1 <= n <= 231 - 1
so many anoying boundary check
classSolution {publicintnextGreaterElement(int n) {// edge casesif (n <=10) return-1;List<Integer> list =newArrayList<>();int exchange =-1;while (n >0) {int curr = n %10; n /=10;if (list.size() !=0&& curr <list.get(list.size() -1)) {int i =list.size() -1;while (i >=0&& curr <list.get(i)) i--; exchange =list.get(i+1);list.set(i+1, curr);break; } else {list.add(curr); } }if (n ==0&& exchange ==-1) return-1; // cannot find result n = n *10+ exchange;for (int i : list) {if (n >Integer.MAX_VALUE/10|| n ==Integer.MAX_VALUE/10&& i >8) return-1; // out of boundary n = n *10+ i; }return n; }}
classSolution {publicintnextGreaterElement(int n) {// edge casesif (n <=10) return-1;// 1) walk backwardly, when the digit is ascending add to list, when meet smaller digit, it's swap point;List<Integer> list =newArrayList<>();while (n >0) {int curr = n %10; n /=10;if (list.size() ==0|| curr >=list.get(list.size() -1)) {list.add(curr); } else { // found swap point, find greater digitint i =list.size() -1;while (i >=1&& curr <list.get(i-1)) i--;int tmp =list.get(i);list.set(i, curr); n = n *10+ tmp;break; } }if (n ==0) return-1; // all digits ascending, no swaplong res = n;for (int d : list) { res = res *10+ d; }if (res >Integer.MAX_VALUE|| res <Integer.MIN_VALUE) return-1;elsereturn (int) res; }}/*1) walk backwardly, when the digit is ascending add to list, when meet smaller digit, it's swap point; 2) iterate the list to find the smallest digit greater than current one, swap then; 3) get the rest from list, it's in ascending order.*/