0915. Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals



Given an integer array nums, partition it into two (contiguous) subarrays left and right so that:

  • Every element in left is less than or equal to every element in right.

  • left and right are non-empty.

  • left has the smallest possible size.

Return the length of left after such a partitioning.

Test cases are generated such that partitioning exists.

Example 1:

**Input:** nums = [5,0,3,8,6]
**Output:** 3
**Explanation:** left = [5,0,3], right = [8,6]

Example 2:

**Input:** nums = [1,1,1,0,6,12]
**Output:** 4
**Explanation:** left = [1,1,1,0], right = [6,12]


  • 2 <= nums.length <= 105

  • 0 <= nums[i] <= 106

  • There is at least one valid answer for the given input.


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