Top K problem(heavy hitters)
Functional requirements
Return top 10 hashtag, say in Instagram, within given time interval.
Accurate result, data sampling is not preferred.
Scalable, with data growth
Highly available
Low latency, response in 200ms
1m posts every day, 3 hashtags per post
36 qps -> peak: 100 qps
Single machine scenario
Partition on ID/Key
Even faster? Sacrifice accuracy: Count-min sketch, how it works?
Combination: fast path, slow path
Simple case
Maintain a HashTable, flush to storage every minute.
Higher scale scenario
Option 1: app servers send log to Message Queue
Fast processing. Saving logs then query from DB incurs delays.
High pressure on message queue
Server need to know about the queue, which consumes server resources and increase maintenance cost.
Not able to do MapReduce to produce accurate result for longer term, like 1 hour or 1 day.
Option 2: read from row log
Key workflow
APP servers persist logs, which is standard process.
Partitioners read from raw log. Each read and process small fraction of logs, so they need to hold exclusive lock(Chubby) of the frontier timestamp.
Partitioners aggregate data, then send to each MQ topic(partition on key+timestamp).
Aggregators listen to specific topics, aggregate for 1min, then persist data to DB.
We can have Ad Hoc aggregators to calculate results for 5/10/60 min and persist back to DB, so that readers can read result directly.
Decouple servers and data pipeline. Easy to maintain and scale.
Low complexity. We store raw logs for other purpose anyway.
MapReduce to produce accurate result for longer term, like 1 hour or 1 day.
Accurate result for both short-term and long-term result.
Slower process speed.
Option 3: probabilistic approach in single machine
Count-min Sketch (CMS) algorithm.
Other algorithms: Lossy Counting, Sticky Sampling
Super fast.
Less resources needed.
Constant memory: only maintain a maxHeap of K elements and a table of hash values.
Simple system.
Not accurate result.
Option 4: #3 + MapReduce, fast path and slow path
Hitters table
tables for minute, hour, day
start_time, key, count
Composite primary on <start_time, key>
"Buffer" is important in large scale data aggregation pipeline. E.g. we cache 1s data in Partitioner and cache 1 min data in Aggregator. So we substantially reduce the traffic in downstream. In this case, load on the DB is negligible.
Decouple app servers and data pipeline, i.e. read from log storage.
Partition the data. On key+timestamp to address hotspot issue.
Top K Problem (Heavy Hitters):
Last updated
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