0614. Second Degree Follower



In facebook, there is a follow table with two columns: followee, follower.

Please write a sql query to get the amount of each follower’s follower if he/she has one.

For example:

| followee    | follower   |
|     A       |     B      |
|     B       |     C      |
|     B       |     D      |
|     D       |     E      |

should output:

| follower    | num        |
|     B       |  2         |
|     D       |  1         |


Both B and D exist in the follower list, when as a followee, B's follower is C and D, and D's follower is E. A does not exist in follower list.


Followee would not follow himself/herself in all cases.

Please display the result in follower's alphabet order.


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