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Pick two. In a distributed system, one has to choose between AP v.s. CP.
Resolve data conflict of different nodes.
Used in: Casandra, Spanner, Chubby
Multi-paxos: leader proposer.
Similar with Paxos, especially multi-poxos.
Used in: etcd
Similar to Raft, but the server that is most up to date wins.
Used in: Zookeeper
Lease(lock, distributed mutex):
Chubby: lock file records leader info, e.g. url:port
5 Load balancing methods
Round Robin
Weighted Round Robin. Similar to virtual nodes -> physical nodes
IP hash
Least connection
Least Response Time
Least Bandwidth
Routing tier. Use Zookeeper.
Gossip protocol. Handle-or-forward pattern.
Uber Ringpop: sharding, leader election, ectc.
Fixed window
userId:{count, startTime}
Pros: less storage required
inaccurate throttling, end of window1+start of window2 can allow more requests than limitation.
Read-then-write pattern lead to race condition.
Sliding window
pros: accurate throttling
cons: more storage needed.
Sliding window + fixed window
Option1: Break into smaller granularity: 3600 requests per hour -> 60 requests per minute, have a counter for every minute.
Option2: Break into every minutes as well. calculate request in current window + request in previous window * overlap percentage
userId:SortedList<Pair<time_minute, count>>
Cons: false negative, if user send all requests within show time window.
Pros: less storage. Balance of two approach.
Token bucket
Check token bucket for every request
2 parameters: bucket size, refill rate
pros: allow burst request
Leaking bucket
Put request in a queue, process queue in a fixed rate.
2 parameters: queue size, process rate.
Pros: stable rate.
Race condition
Option 1: lock
cons: latency, performance bottleneck
Option 2: rely on atomic operation of third-party implementation, e.g. Redis
Build bit-array: hash(element) -> add to bit-array
Query: hash(element) -> check bit-array -> result: 1) equal -> Maybe exists; 2) missing bits -> definitely not exists.