1165. Single-Row Keyboard



There is a special keyboard with all keys in a single row.

Given a string keyboard of length 26 indicating the layout of the keyboard (indexed from 0 to 25). Initially, your finger is at index 0. To type a character, you have to move your finger to the index of the desired character. The time taken to move your finger from index i to index j is |i - j|.

You want to type a string word. Write a function to calculate how much time it takes to type it with one finger.

Example 1:

**Input:** keyboard = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", word = "cba"
**Output:** 4
**Explanation:** The index moves from 0 to 2 to write 'c' then to 1 to write 'b' then to 0 again to write 'a'.
Total time = 2 + 1 + 1 = 4. 

Example 2:

**Input:** keyboard = "pqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmno", word = "leetcode"
**Output:** 73


  • keyboard.length == 26

  • keyboard contains each English lowercase letter exactly once in some order.

  • 1 <= word.length <= 104

  • word[i] is an English lowercase letter.


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